北京商務英語口譯,北京商務英語培訓哪傢好 來自:陳弈含2017-06-06 18:14
更多新聞熱詞 3月21日,商務部部長陳德銘在2010年中國發展高層論壇上預計,今年3月份,中國的貿易可能會出現逆差。同時他表示個別國傢寄希望於人民幣匯率大幅度升值來實現全球經濟的再平衡是非理性的。請看《中國日報》的報道:The country will probably see a "record trade deficit" in March thanks to surging imports, Minister of Commerce Chen Deming雞精禮盒 said on Sunday, while warning that Beijing will "fight back" if Washington labels China a currency manipulator.商務部部長陳德銘周日表示,由於進口的大幅度增長,三月份中國的貿易逆差可能“破紀錄”,同時他警告說,如果華盛頓方面將中國定義為貨幣操縱國,北京將“予以反擊”。在上面的報道中,currency manipulator即“貨幣操縱國”。貨幣操縱國指的是一國利用其確定本國貨幣匯率的能力,來調高或調低本幣兌外幣的價格,致使貨幣向有利於本國的方向流動。匯率的變化也可能會導致不同程度的trade surplus(貿易順差)或trade deficit(貿易逆差)。Manipulator的意思是“操縱者”,其動詞形式為manipulate,可以表示“(用權勢或不正當手段)操縱,控制”,例如:manipulate stock prices(操控股價)。關於人民幣匯率的verbal battle(口水戰)已經有一段時間瞭,美國給中國貼“貨幣操縱國”標簽是借此給中國施壓,迫使中國進行revaluation of the renminbi(對人民幣匯率重新評估)和adjust renminbi exchange rate(調整人民幣匯率)。在巨大的currency appreciation(貨幣升值)壓力下,我國去年進行瞭rate fine-tuning(匯率微調)。人民幣匯率的調整會對經濟產生巨大的影響,研究表明,如果人民幣appreciate sharply(升值過猛),會造成huge job losses(大量就業崗位消失)。新春課程溫暖上線,春季,和網校一起成長!中級口譯春季班高級口譯春季班商務英語BEC【初級春季班】HOT!商務英語BEC【中級春季班】 賭東道2017-06-06 18:14
作為首批來滬參與世博會園區服務工作的外省市志願者團隊,北京志願者服務隊將於 5月1日至13日期間,先後在北京館、中國館為公眾提供志願服務,內容包括秩序引導、信息問詢、資料發放、情況介紹、文化展示、外語服務等,其中在5月4日至8日的北京活動周期間,將配合做好慶典活動組織和接待工作,以“北京志願者”的身份,演繹“北京城市文化和精神文明”。
The first group of volunteers from outside Shanghai arrived in Shanghai today, joining 172,000 local ones to serve visitors to the upcoming World Expo.
The 60-member volunteer team from Beijing, the national capital that host the 2008 Olympics, was headed by Deng Yaping, a retired renowned ping pong player and now deputy secretary of the Communist Youth League of China (CYLC) Beijing Municipal Committee.
They will work at the Beijing Pavilion and China Pavilion in the Expo venue for two weeks from May 1, Deng said.
Among them, the youngest is 18 and the oldest 雞精何時喝70, she said.
Beijing selected about 200 volunteers from its 2 million registered volunteers and divided them into nine teams to serve the Expo, she said.
Most of them had worked for the Beijing Olympics and Paralympics, the National Day parade and earthquake rescue work, she said.
"I hope volunteers from Beijing will carry on the Olympic tradition and provide quality service for visitors across the world," she said.
Before their trip here, the volunteers had trained for three days.
"I have collected lots of information about the Expo and its venues but still need to learn more as I have not been on the spot," said Xiang Tingkun, a member of the team and student from the Beijing International Studies University.
Another 1,200 volunteers will come to Shanghai from other provinces and cities to serve the six-month event.
The Expo planned to place 77,000 volunteers at the Expo venues and 130,000 ones at service stations in the city.
So far 72,000 volunteers have been in place in the venues and about 100,000 people have worked in the city, said Deng Xiaodong, spokesperson for the Expo's volunteer department, at a press conference in Shanghai today.
Among them, about 200 are foreigners and more than 80 are from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, Deng said.
雞精推薦About 90.6 percent of venue volunteers and 35.5 percent of city volunteers are college students.
新春課程溫暖上線,春季,和網校一起成長!中級口譯春季班高級口譯春季班商務英語BEC【滴雞精推薦中級六月班】HOT!商務英語BEC【初級五月班】 回應